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Un lieu incertain (Commissaire Adamsberg, #8)

- Bien, dit Clyde-Fox en se rechaussant. Sale histoire. Faites votre job, Radstock, allez voir ça. C'est un tas de vieilles chaussures posées sur le trottoir. Préparez votre âme. Il y en a une vingtaine peut-être, vous ne pouvez pas les manquer.
- CeMore - Bien, dit Clyde-Fox en se rechaussant. Sale histoire. Faites votre job, Radstock, allez voir ça. C'est un tas de vieilles chaussures posées sur le trottoir. Préparez votre âme. Il y en a une vingtaine peut-être, vous ne pouvez pas les manquer.
- Ce n'est pas mon job, Clyde-Fox.
Bien sûr que si. Elles sont alignées avec soin, les pointes dirigées vers le cimetière. Je vous parle évidemment de la vieille grille principale.
- Le vieux cimetière est surveillé la nuit. Fermé pour les hommes et pour les chaussures des hommes.
- Eh bien elles veulent entrer tout de même, et toute leur attitude est très déplaisante. Allez les regarder, faites votre job.
- Clyde-Fox, je me fous que vos vieilles chaussures veuillent entrer là-dedans.
- Vous avez tort, Radstock. Parce qu'il y a les pieds dedans.
Il y eut un silence, une onde de choc désagréable. Une petite plainte sortit de la gorge d'Estalère, Danglard serra les bras. Adamsberg arrêta sa marche et leva la tête. Less

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Julie rated it really liked it

The inimitable Fred Vargas delves into the undergrowth of society once again, but this time goes very far underground, into the tombs of men. The novel becomes a beguiling dalliance in the world of vampiry and Old World taboos. The novel will definitely raise the hackles. Read full review

Glenda rated it really liked it

over 1 year ago

Adoro Fred Vargas.

David Barrie rated it really liked it

over 3 years ago

In 2008 the fourth of Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight books was published, completing the vampire renaissance, and ensuring that you couldn’t stroll through a bookshop without encountering a fanged predator lurking amongst the shelves. Not even the crime section was safe, for.

J. rated it really liked it

Not sure how I came to this, though it may have just looked peculiar on the library shelf (it doesn't, it's a regular mass production trade paperback). But because of the inflammatory nature of book-jacket and goodreads blurbs, it's probably good to get one thing certain. Read full review

Camille rated it liked it

about 1 year ago

Pieds coupés, pieux dans le cœur et cadavres éclatés, qui reprendra un peu d'aventures du commissaire Adamsberg.

Par chance, mon deuxième roman de Fred Vargas est aussi celui qui suit immédiatement celui que je viens de lire (vous suivez ?), "Dans les bois éternels". Alo. Read full review

Fil rated it really liked it

over 1 year ago

ADAMSBERG. ISTRUZIONI PER L'USO (PER MONICA: scegli da quale iniziare)

Libro consigliato soltanto agli amanti del commissario Adamsberg. Io sono affezionato a questo commissario ed anche questo libro mi è piaciuto, però devo riconoscere che questo romanzo come trama e pers. Read full review

Chip rated it did not like it

almost 4 years ago

Made it, with many fits and starts, to page 315 (of approx 400) before finally throwing in the towel for good. The book struck me as scattered, random, overly coincidental, and at times just plain weird - don't know if due to poor translation or not, but various character. Read full review

Goesta rated it really liked it

over 3 years ago

My first exposure to Fred Vargas and the Adamsberg series, I read An Uncertain Place in the English translation by Siân Reynolds (Vintage Books). It is clear from the other reviews that if you are expecting a classic no-nonsense police procedural rooted in gritty, empiric. Read full review

Libros Prestados rated it it was ok

about 1 year ago

Tal vez no debería haber empezado por el octavo libro de esta serie detectivesca. Supongo que si has empezado por la primera se introduzca mejor al protagonista, y poder ir viendo su evolución te hará encariñarte con él. Ésta es mi primera aproximación y así, a palo seco. Read full review

Linda rated it it was amazing

over 4 years ago

I would give this book 6 stars if I could. I just couldn't put it down. This is the first Fred Vargas "Commissaire Adamsberg" novel that I have read and I can't wait to read her other books. The story was riveting and eerie. I am definitely a huge "Commissaire Adamsberg". Read full review