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Important information: All vacancies close midnight EST/EDT. Vacancies marked with an asterisk (*) are posted in UNDPs new eRecruitment platform. For these vacancies the application is filled in and submitted online, and no handwritten signature is required.

Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction

Through the Millennium Development Goals, the world is addressing the many dimensions of human development, including the halving by 2015 of the proportion of people living in extreme poverty. Developing countries are working to create their own national poverty eradication strategies based on local needs and priorities. UNDP advocates for these nationally-owned solutions and helps ensure their effectiveness. We sponsor innovative pilot projects; connect countries to global best practices and resources; promote the role of women in development; and bring governments, civil society and outside funders together to coordinate their efforts.

We are now hiring expert practitioners for the following assignments:

Important information: All vacancies close midnight EST/EDT. Vacancies marked with an asterisk (*) are posted in UNDPs new eRecruitment platform. For these vacancies the application is filled in and submitted online, and no handwritten signature is required.

Resilience and Climate Change

Energy and environment are essential for sustainable development. The poor are disproportionately affected by environmental degradation and lack of access to clean affordable energy services. These issues are also global as climate change, loss of biodiversity and ozone layer depletion cannot be addressed by countries acting alone. UNDP helps countries strengthen their capacity to address these challenges at global, national and community levels, seeking out and sharing best practices, providing innovative policy advice and linking partners through pilot projects that help poor people build sustainable livelihoods.

We are now hiring expert practitioners for the following assignments:

Important information: All vacancies close midnight EST/EDT. Vacancies marked with an asterisk (*) are posted in UNDPs new eRecruitment platform. For these vacancies the application is filled in and submitted online, and no handwritten signature is required.

HIV, Health and Development

HIV and ill-health continue to undermine human development. UNDP recognizes the wide ranging social and structural determinants of HIV and the synergies between health and sustainable development. In response, UNDP works in partnership with regional and global initiatives to strengthen national capacities for HIV and health. As a founding cosponsor of the Joint UN Programme on HIV and AIDS, UNDP’s work addresses aspects of HIV responses that relate to development planning and mainstreaming; governance; law and human rights; gender equality and key populations. As a partner of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, UNDP supports national capacity development and implementation of multi-sectoral HIV, tuberculosis and malaria initiatives.

We are now hiring expert practitioners for the following assignments: